0203 389 6076    

Treatment Options

Steroid Scalp Application

Steroid scalp applications are used as a treatment for dermatitis, eczema, itching and flaking affecting the scalp.
| 5 min read

Steroid scalp applications (e.g. Betnovate or Dermovate) should be used when the scalp is red and itchy and then intermittently as required whenever the symptoms return. As an example you may need to use for a week at first then 1-2 times per week for a couple of months, but gradually less over time. Gently squeeze the bottle until the affected area is coated with a thin layer of the preparation. Massage the application into the scalp to prevent it from running off. Allow the treated scalp to dry naturally. Do not use a hair drier as they are flammable.

Betnovate is a medium strength topical steroid and Dermovate is a strong topical steroid. Topical steroids are generally safe if used as described above, however, particularly if used in large quantities daily for long periods of time, can cause loss of pigmentation, redness, broken blood vessels, thinning of the skin (which can have the appearance of stretch marks) or acne/folliculitis. If you notice any signs of this then you should stop using the topical steroids and inform me. As for any medication it is essential to read the information leaflet that comes within the packaging and contains a full list of all recognised side effects.

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