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Botulinum Toxin aftercare
After receiving botulinum toxin injections it's essential to follow specific aftercare instructions to ensure the best results and minimize the risk of side effects.
| 2 min read

Immediately After the Procedure

  1. Avoid Touching the Treated Area: For at least 4 hours after the treatment, avoid rubbing or massaging the treated areas to prevent spreading the toxin to unintended muscles.

  2. Stay Upright: Remain upright and avoid bending over for 4 hours following the injections to prevent the toxin from migrating.

The First 24 Hours

  1. Avoid Strenuous Activities: Skip the gym and any vigorous physical activity for the rest of the day to minimize the risk of bruising and spreading the toxin.

  2. Skip the Makeup: It's advisable to avoid applying makeup for at least 4 hours after the procedure to prevent infection and irritation.

  3. Stay Away from Heat: Avoid hot environments like saunas, hot showers, and direct sunlight, as heat can increase the risk of swelling and bruising.

  4. No Alcohol: Avoid alcohol consumption for at least 24 hours to reduce the risk of bruising.

  5. Avoid tightly fitted headwear

General Aftercare

  1. Be Patient with Results: It can take a minimum of 5 days to see the full effect of the injections.

  2. Follow Up: If you have any concerns or if the desired effect is not achieved, contact Dr Lynch. Sometimes, a touch-up may be necessary.

  3. Skincare: Continue with your usual skincare routine, but be gentle around the treated areas. Avoid any treatments that involve significant pressure on the skin for at least a week.

  4. Sun Protection: Protect your skin from the sun using a high-SPF sunscreen.

  5. Monitor for Side Effects: While rare, if you experience any unusual symptoms such as difficulty breathing, swallowing, or vision changes, seek medical attention immediately.


Schedule Follow-Up Treatments: Botulinum toxin injections are temporary, so plan for follow-up treatments every 3 to 6 months to maintain the effects.

Book Consultation

To book an in person consultation, enter your details below and my practice management team will contact you to schedule the appointment. Alternatively call 0203 389 6076 (calls are answered during working hours) or email: contact@drmagnuslynch.com.

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