Treatment Options
Topical Steroids
Topical steroids are very effective treatments for a wide range of skin conditions. When used according to the following instructions they are very safe treatments. Examples include Eumovate, Betnovate, Elocon and Dermovate.

2 min read
How to use topical steroids
- Topical steroids should be used until the skin is no longer red or itchy and then intermittently as required whenever the rash returns.
- As an example you may need to use for a week at first then 1-2 times per week for a couple of months, but gradually less over time.
- They should be applied according to the fingertip unit - this is the amount of cream or ointment that just covers the end of an adult finger from the tip to the crease of the first joint when squeezed from an ordinary tube. This is enough to cover an area of skin the size of two hands with the fingers together. It helps to ensure you are using the correct amount – not too much and not too little.
Important information about topical steroids
- Topical steroids are generally safe if used as described above, however, particularly if used in large quantities daily for long periods of time, can cause loss of pigmentation, redness, broken blood vessels, thinning of the skin (which can have the appearance of stretch marks) or acne/folliculitis. All of these side effects can be permanent.
- If you notice any signs of this then you should stop using the topical steroids and inform me.
- Topical steroids can also increase the risk of reactivation of the herpes (cold sore) virus and you should not apply to areas of skin where there is skin infection or cold sores present.
- As for any medication it is essential to read the information leaflet that comes within the packaging and contains a full list of all recognised side effects.