0203 389 6076    

Postoperative Instructions
How to prepare for surgery, what to expect after surgery and how to look after the wound.
| 6 min read

Please read the following information carefully prior to attending for the surgical procedure:

Wound Care

In most cases, a dressing will be in place after the surgery. Unless otherwise instructed on the day of surgery, after 48 hours remove the dressing and apply a thin layer of Vaseline (buy a new pot in advance of your surgery) directly over the site several times a day until the wound has fully healed. This will help to keep your wound clean and moist and will prevent scabs from forming.


If non-dissolvable stitches are used then you will need to attend 7-14 days after surgery for stitch removal. Stitch removal will usually be performed by a nurse.

Travel/important activities

If possible you should avoid scheduling surgery within 2 weeks of travel or important events.


Avoid vigorous exercise and swimming or hot tubs for at least one week or until the wound is fully closed. Depending upon the site you may need to be careful with heavy exercise or lifting for a number of weeks/months to prevent stretching of the scar. Avoid exposing the wound to direct sunlight. Once the wound is healed, use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect the area for at least six months. You should avoid drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours after the procedure as this increases the risk of bleeding.

Smoking or vaping impairs blood supply to the skin and greatly increases the risk of wound breakdown, wound infection, poor healing or necrosis (death) of skin at the site of surgery. You should avoid smoking or vaping for at least a week after surgery.


Rarely bleeding will occur after the procedure - sometimes hours later. If this happens, press firmly on the dressing for 15 minutes by the clock. If the bleeding persists press for another 15 minutes. In the very unlikely event you have bleeding that you cannot stop go to your local A&E department.


The local anaesthetic will begin to wear off about one to two hours after the procedure. If you need take a painkiller, use over-the-counter pain relievers such as paracetamol (do not take together with any other medication that contains paracetamol). Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen as these can increase the risks of bleeding.


Monitor your wound for signs of infection, which may include: Increased pain, swelling, redness, fever or discharge of pus. If you notice evidence of infection you should contact me.


All samples removed are sent for pathological evaluation. In most cases results will take 1-2 weeks although rarely, if the pathology needs specialized tests to make a diagnosis these results may take significantly longer. Please contact my practice management team if you have not been informed of results within 2 weeks.

Book Consultation

To book an in person consultation, enter your details below and my practice management team will contact you to schedule the appointment. Alternatively call 0203 389 6076 (calls are answered during working hours) or email: contact@drmagnuslynch.com.

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